Thursday, 10 December 2015

Craft Fair

Falkland Palace Enchanted Palace event this weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday sadly the link shows that it's sold out but you can still access the craft fair and Santa's Grotto on the day. Parking may prove to be challenging but I'm sure it'll all work out.
This is a view of my stall from the late night shopping events at Falkland, sorry I forgot to post about them.
Pop along if you can manage.

Thursday, 6 August 2015


Pittenweem Arts Festival well and truly up and running!

I've had a bit of problem with uploading some of my photos but have it all sorted out now so here's some of the work that I have in Funky Scottish on the High Street, Pittenweem.

Some of my usual little heart brooches which I really enjoy making above, below is how I've packaged them this year. 

I've made these stitched fabric flowers for a number of years now, they always change a bit with each batch. This year I have changed the machining within the petal area and decided to mount some of them on tartan paper. I'm pretty happy with how they look and are perfect for sale in Funky Scottish!

These ones are new this year, I've started writing words on some of my pieces and thought it was a good idea to try and use that technique on cards. On these ones I've free machined the words onto the lace at the very end so if I get it wrong I've jiggered the heart. I usually write out the words several times on paper before I tackle machining them, that usually works. 

New brooches with some of my "word" machining, forgot to photograph them before I packaged them. Guilty as charged, I really don't have an excuse as I've been taking more and more pictures on my phone these days so it should be easy to record as I go along. Note to self take pictures all the time, at every stage! 

Yes you've guessed it, packaged!
 A couple of my wee bird brooches in the corner, I've not made them for a while so it was nice to revisit them again.

These are a couple of new ideas, more mixed media than normally. I have been doing a fair bit of mixed media work lately so you may see  more of this type of work here soon. 

These are more like my usual work that I make for selling, some landscape poppy pictures and an abstract plant one. 

That's all for now, Pittenweem Festival ends on Sunday so only a few more days to visit if you're in the area certainly worth a visit.
Bye for now.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Good News

Hi everyone, 
I realise that it is now June and my last post was April,nearly halfway through the year and that happened,how? 
The good news is that I'm trying to get all my social media up to date. Finally got my Pinterest boards linked onto this blog, use it here or from the sidebar. Next one to link is Facebook, I've not done the sidebar yet, I've been on the computer almost all day with one thing and another so it can wait for another day. You can use the link here.

These two photos are from the other day, playing with my wee Gelli Arts plate. Love it by the way, I could play with it all day! They are samples for a class, which I'm teaching this month. I think they will probably be chopped up but haven't really decided yet.

Fiddling with some ideas, possible landscape pieces. I'm hoping that I can come up with some work for the next Edge-textile artists scotland exhibition. It's on soon so will give the details later or you can check out their website. Aaaargh, that means I need to get working! Mind you there is no guarantee that my work will get in as it is a selected exhibition still, need to get my head in gear and get the work done.
Some other gelli print ideas for the above exhibition. The subject is Myths and Legends, watch this space for more information on some of the work I've done. I've done lots for this one including a road trip, go figure. 

Ok admissions from a naughty blogger, I forgot to tell you about a most important event, my small, only me exhibition! Does that make it a solo exhibition? Gasp! 
It was at Off The Rails Arthouse in Ladybank, Fife, a lovely place where lots of different arty things happen.I had a working area set up as well as an exhibition and hands on area. I didn't get much work done but I fair enjoyed meeting everyone, the chatting and drinking many cups of tea.
 I emailed around, put it on Facebook and general word of mouth and managed to get a pretty good turn out. Thank you to all who came. I promise to be more attentive to this blog and give updates in plenty time in the future. Sorry. x

Just a few weeks ago , out and about...a nice walk with a friend ending up... 
here with a pretty cheeky chappy. The here being Pillars of Hercules, Falkland in Fife.
Yummy scone and coffee if you're passing, plenty outside seating with local wildlife as above!
Ok so that's a few of the things I've been up to since April, now what? A few classes to report on, will do that later. One that I've gone to, a couple I'm going to and that's just up to the end of the month! I'll be back soon with an update on these classes and what's ahead of me. I may pop in sooner if I take a notion...
Bye for now.
Enjoy June.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Nearly there!

Some of the pieces that I will have with me at Ladybank. The collaged birds are unframed pieces and the I pod covers are made with my own hand printed & hand dyed fabrics.

If you're in the Fife area come and visit, you can have a trip across to Falkland, or further along the road to Cupar then St. Andrews. Places to visit, things to see, places to eat in, it would make for a great day out, just remember to pop in to me and say "hi" on your way!

Off the Rails Arthouse, just outside the station in Ladybank.

Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th April 10am to 5pm.
Thursday 16th & Friday 17th April 12noon to 5pm.


Thursday, 2 April 2015

Exciting news...

Delighted to share this event with everyone, my first solo exhibition! 
It's really more like a pop up studio where I'll have lots of things for folks to look at, sketchbooks, samples, things for sale and some framed pieces on display. Obviously it is impossible to transport my entire studio, much as would like to but I will bring what I can. 
I'll be there every day to chat about my work and answer any questions. I will be working there on the Thursday & Friday and will be teaching a workshop on Saturday 18th April.
Come along and say "hi" if you are able.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Documented Life Project This is the link as promised for the Documented life Project.

Once you get there click on the first box DLP 2015, it's free to join in.

Just a few images from my first couple of pages. I'm going to be working mine more like an art journal rather than a diary. Hopefully I will manage to make it to the end of the year but only time will tell.
Until the next time, have fun!

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Here goes...I'm back!!!

I've managed to upload a photograph at long last...had to get a new laptop!!!

Hopefully this year will see the beginning of some interesting things going on in my stitched world, no idea what, but thought that it sounded good.

I have signed up to take part in the Documented Life Project so I hope to start posting little snippets from that as the year progresses.This doesn't fall into the category of stitching but it'll be good fun I'm sure. Also I'll be sharing some photos from my studio, all going well that is.

It's taken me ages to get this all up and running so will go just now but will be back very soon with links to the DLP (above), Facebook and Pinterest.

I look forward to joining you all again soon...that is if there is still anyone out there who's interested in my little snippets. If you've made it here then thank you for dropping by and I wish you a very Happy New Year.
Bye for now,

PS. The photo above shows some results from my gelatine printing. Ok not stitching but great fun all the should come with a government health's addictive!